Added AI Notifications for Wyze Cam v2, Wyze Cam v3, Wyze Cam Pan v1, and Wyze Cam Pan v2 with a firmware update to limit notifications to Events you care about.Added support for Canadian addresses to enable Wyze Home Monitoring in Canada.Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding devices to Smart Control on Wyze Switch.Fixed a bug that prevented Notification options from being selected correctly in Smart Support Tool.Fixed a bug that prevented sound when playing 12-second Cam Plus Lite videos.Optimized the camera onboarding flow for Cam Plus users to improve the license binding experience.Added Rule Explore Tab to help customers explore how Wyze devices can work together to make your home smarter.Added a new alarm flow to Cam Protect that allows Noonlight agents to verify the video to help determine if there is a real threat.Fixed a bug in the Create Rule page for sensor groups that showed a name error and caused the Rule action to fail.

Added a new Wyze Cam onboarding with a Cam Plus free trial and opt-out option.

Added support for email Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).Updated the Rules description for inverse actions.Added a Request Dispatch icon on the live stream for Wyze Cam v2, v3, Pan, and Pan v2 that Cam Protect subscribers can use.Fixed a bug that prevented Wyze Cam Outdoor v2 Event Videos from downloading properly when assigned as Wyze Home Monitoring Security Cameras.Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails to rotate 90 degrees on the Home tab after setting up a doorbell.Added support for Additional PIN that allows 10 additional PIN for Wyze Home Monitoring (firmware update required).Added Rules support for Wyze Home Monitoring to use Mode changes and critical events as triggers to control your Wyze devices.